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B&H Photography Podcast

The B&H Photography Podcast, a weekly conversation about all things photography. With insightful and entertaining guests, we discuss the issues most important to the contemporary photographer.

Nov 18, 2015

Guests: Harvey Wang and Todd Vorenkamp Have you ever shot film? Do you still shoot film? Does it make a difference in your work? Is your work defined by it? This episode of the B&H Photography Podcast addresses an issue that is still at the heart of photography—does the medium you choose affect the way you work and, ultimately, the images you produce? With the recent release of his book, From Darkroom to Daylight, we will talk with photographer Harvey Wang and with writer and photographer Todd Vorenkamp about the differences between shooting film and shooting digital images. From the perspectives of those who grew up shooting film and those who did not, we’ll discuss working process, technological developments, quality of images and yes—nostalgia. Wang will also recount from his book conversations on this subject with legendary photographers such as Eugene Richards, Elliott Erwitt, Sally Mann, and George Tice.